
When extending the Express.Request interface in TypeScript I ran into this problem that I want to use an external library definition, but I can't import the external library as it results in error ->

Error:(4, 28) TS1147: Import declarations in an internal module cannot reference an external module.

Edit: It is a .d.ts file

/// <reference path="../typings/express/express.d.ts" />

declare module Express {
    import bunyan = require('bunyan'); <-- results in error
    export interface Request {
        _id: string; <-- this works
        log: bunyan.Logger; <-- Here I want to define that it is bunyan.Logger instance;

Trying to reference the bunyan.d.ts (https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/bunyan/bunyan.d.ts) Also results in a problem, as the bunyan module is exported as string

declare module "bunyan" {

As such trying to use it from reference results in not found.

/// <reference path="../typings/express/express.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../typings/bunyan/bunyan.d.ts" />

declare module Express {
    export interface Request {
        _id: string;
        log: bunyan.Logger; <- Error:(8, 18) TS2304: Cannot find name 'bunyan'.

tl;dr; How to extend interface definition with external module definitions.

Why declare in declare module Express?Paleo
@Tarh Error:(4, 1) TS1046: A 'declare' modifier is required for a top level declaration in a .d.ts file.DeadAlready
OK. The require misled me, I believed it was a .ts file.Paleo
A suggestion: if a file .d.ts exists for the external module bunyan, you can reference it with /// <reference ... and then use it to type Request.log.Paleo
@Tarh Updated question.DeadAlready

2 Answers


I don't think you can add to an existing interface when a require is necessary, but you can extend the existing interface using the extends keyword.

Move your import statement outside your module, export your module, and extend the existing interface:

import bunyan = require('bunyan');
import express = require('express');

export declare module ExtendedExpress {
    export interface Request extends express.Express.Request {
        _id: string;
        log: bunyan.Logger;

Then you have to import this module where you want to use it.


The referencing of internal and external modules will be improved in v1.5 which is currently in an alpha release (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/typescript/archive/2015/03/27/announcing-typescript-1-5-alpha.aspx).

In the meantime you can import in your bunyan module via:

var bunyan = require('bunyan');