
I have an Asterisk server working perfectly fine in a payment environment. Now, there is need for me to separate the business logics from the Asterisk Server for efficiency, and protecting the AGI scripts for obvious reasons.

The question is, how do I convert the existing working AGI scripts to FASTAGI scripts, or how do I call the existing AGI scripts from a FASTAGI server?

I have red some post with answers on this platform, but none have stated clearly how to do this from scratch. Will be glad to have clear understanding on how to achieve this using PHP.


1 Answers


You can use xinetd for this. From your dialplan on each asterisk box, call agi with a fast agi parameter, substituting your IP address of the fastagi server:


Make sure you have in /etc/services something like:

agi             4573/tcp                        # FAST AGI entry

On the FastAGI server: In a file called /etc/xinetd.d/agi (make sure /etc/xinetd.conf is loading modules from /etc/xinetd.d/) have a definition which calls your agi script.

# description: agi service for PHP fastagi interaction
service agi
        socket_type  = stream
        user         = root
        group        = nobody
        server       = /path/to/agiLaunch.sh
        wait         = no
        protocol     = tcp
        bind         =
        disable      = no
        per_source   = UNLIMITED
        instances    = UNLIMITED
        cps          = 1000 0

In your AGI script, you can now just do as you normally would, by reading STDIN or STDOUT.