
Pypi problems: Not allowed to store or edit package information. I'm following this tutorial.


index-servers =

respository: https://pypi.python.org/pypi
username: Redacted
password: Redacted

respository: https://testpypi.python.org/pypi
username: Redacted
password: Redacted


from setuptools import setup, find_packages

with open('README.rst') as f:
    readme = f.read()

    name = "quick",
    version = "0.1",
    packages = find_packages(),

    install_requires = ['numba>=0.17.0',

    url = 'https://github.com/David-OConnor/quick',
    description = "Fast implementation of numerical functions using Numba",
    long_description = readme,
    license = "apache",
    keywords = "fast, numba, numerical, optimized",



python setup.py register -r pypitest


Server response (403): You are not allowed to store 'quick' package information

I was able to successfully register using the form on pypi's test site, but when I upload using this:

python setup.py sdist upload -r pypitest

I get this, similiar, message:

error: HTTP Error 403: You are not allowed to edit 'quick' package information

I get the same error message when using Twine and Wheel, per these instructions. This problem comes up several times here and elsewhere, and has been resolved by registering before uploading, and verifying the PyPi account via email. I'm running into something else.

Somebody else has uploaded the package with same name before you?Mikko Ohtamaa
This is not the case - evidence is that I'm able able to create the package using the website's form.Turtles Are Cute
It looks like you're on the right track - I can create a repository on PyPi's test site, but not the main one. The error I receive, ie not being allowed to store package information, is different from if I use the name of an exisiting package, which is to the effect of the package already exists. It seems like 'quick' is a forbidden name, although I'm not sure why, and can't find a package by this name. I'm able to upload using a different name, but am still curious why I can't use 'quick'.Turtles Are Cute

1 Answers


From this list one can see all the packages on PyPi:


quick is there. The question author says he/she cannot create quick package, so he/she is not the package author on PyPi and somebody else has created a package with the same name before.