I am trying to make a raster plot using ggplot2 rather than the raster package plot function for some irrelevant reasons.
I would like to scale the colors so that the minimum temperature on the plot is blue and the maximum temperature on the plot is red, while the mid range is white. I have tried numerous functions from ggplot2, and I keep failing to get the desired result. This is what I want:
Here is the current state of my ggplot2 code:
r = raster()
r[] = 1:ncell(r)
df = as.data.frame(r, xy=TRUE)
the_plot = ggplot(df) +
geom_raster(aes(x, y, fill=layer)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low=muted('red'), mid='white', high=muted('blue'))
Which, rather than the desired color ramp, produces this:
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
argument toscale_fill_gradient2
? – Gregor Thomas