
I'm using Advanced Custom Fields Pro with Wordpress 4.1.1

I feel like this should be pretty easy but I've been struggling with it.

The example I'll start with is I have a "Team" page that has a repeater with:

  • Profile Image
  • Name
  • Job title
  • Short biography
  • Email/social link

All as sub_field

I have everything working nicely in the page where all posts are display (the actual Team landing page) but I can't figure out how to get content for each employee to live in a single-custom_template.php with a permalink.

tl;dr I want my repeater content to be able to navigate to a single post/page with it's own custom template. Click on "Dave" in the whole team page have it navigate to his bio page.


1 Answers


I think you would benefit in building a custom post type for "Teams" so you're not selecting a new custom template (single-custome_"".php) each time you post another team member profile. This way also allows you to have all your custom meta fields organized under a single custom post-type. However, if you don't want to go through all the trouble in creating a custom post-type, you can post each single team member page as a child page to your parent "Team" page, so that the url would look something like, "yourdomain.com/team/team-name, and then have all your custom meta fields auto populate when you select the single-custom_template.php in the "template" dropdown field.