My application has the following UI configuration:
The main form is an MDI container. Its child forms are attached to a TabStrip
Each user has his set of child forms. Depending on the active user, only that user's child forms are displayed, together with tabs.
This is achieved by going through the main form's MdiChildren
and setting their Visible
property to false/true
depending on the active user.
foreach (Form item in MdiChildren)
if (((OfficeFormEx)item).UserID == (int)e.NewTab.Tag)
item.Visible = true;
item.Visible = false;
This has two undesired effects. One is that every child form gets redrawn in succession, which is ugly and slow. The other is that for some reason the forms go from maximized to normal, effectively undocking them from the main form.
Is there any way to display just one of the child forms, such as the one the user was previously looking at, and get the others to stay in the background? The maximize/normal thing is not that big a deal because I can maximize them again manually.