
I was trying out angularJS tutorial listed at their website for creating a phonecat app. it asked me to install a couple of things git, nodejs etc which i did simply by going to their respective websited and downloading the installer and running it. Now at one point in the beginning it says after the installation of nodejs, i have to run npm install in the command prompt which will automatically download bower, karma, protractor, http-server.

Now the problem is whenever i run npm install from either nodejs command prompt or windows cmd it gives tons of errors. i dont think i have installation error i simply ran the installer. Can someone help out please? error is:

  • npm err install couldnt read dependencies
  • npm err windows_nt 6.1.7601
  • npm err argv "C:\program files\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\progam files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install"
  • npm err node v0.12.1
  • npm err npm v2.5.1
  • npm err path c:\users\SkyNet\package.json
  • npm err code ENOPACKAGEJSON
  • npm errno -4058
  • npm err package.json ENOENT, open 'c:\users\skynet\package.json'
  • npm err package.json this is most likley not a problem with npm itself.
  • npm err package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory
  • npm err include the following file with an support request
  • npm err c:\users\skynet\npm-debug.log

1 Answers


You're not running the command npm install from within a folder that contains a package.json file.

There's probably no issue with your node.js installment (as the error suggest)

Navigate to the project folder containing the `package.json and the execute the command.