
I have built a report called "TeamDraw" and my report populates fields based on a parameter 'TeamQuotaId' which groups similar 'TeamNames' . I need to know if in SSRS I can have the same report repeated for each 'TeamQuotaid' so if I have three 'Teamquotas' '12345' '67890' 12589'. I would need the first page to show the report based on quota '12345' the second page would show the report based on quota '67890' and the third page would show the report based on quota '12589'. I know this sounds confusing but any help would be awesome.



1 Answers

  1. Create a report template for a single quota (Report A) that accepts a single quota as a parameter.
  2. Create a parent report that can accept multiple quota ids ( Report B ).
  3. In Report B, Create a tablix which contains a single column. In the column cell, insert Report A as a subreport. Add a row group for your set of quota IDs. Set the Quota parameter for the subreport to the row group quota ID value.
  4. Right-click the row group you created, and go to Group Properties. On the Page Breaks tab, choose "Between each instance of a group".
  5. Now each quota ID report gets printed on its own page.