I have an old MVC3 site where I was able to get the area of a route by using the following code:
object oArea;
RouteData.DataTokens.TryGetValue("area", out aArea);
I am creating a new MVC5 application and have started to use attribute based routing as follows:
public TestController
public ActionResult Index()
return View("Index");
Unfortunately, it appears that when you use attribute based routing then the RouteData.DataTokens collection is empty. The area information appears buried under the RouteData in "MS_DirectRouteMatches", so you could get the data as follows:
RouteData.Values["MS_DirectRouteMatches"])[0].DataTokens.TryGetValue("area", out oArea);
However, I was wondering if there is an easier, safer or better way to get the area data in MVC5. The area name is actually the sub-tool name within a larger application, which is used for some logic in the base controller initialization.