I have a very simple example text which I want to parse with ANTLR, and yet I'm getting wrong results due to ambiguous definition of the rule.
Here is the grammar:
grammar SimpleExampleGrammar;
prog : event EOF;
event : DEFINE EVT_HEADER eventName=eventNameRule;
eventNameRule : DIGIT+;
DEFINE : '#define';
DIGIT : [0-9a-zA-Z_];
WS : ('' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n' | '\t') -> channel(HIDDEN);
First text example:
#define EVT_EX1
Second text example:
#define EVT_EX1
#define EVT_EX2
So, the first example is parsed correctly.
However, the second example doesn't work, as the eventNameRule matches the next "#define ..." and the parse tree is incorrect
Appreciate any help to change the grammar to parse this correctly.
Thanks, Busi
is only a singleevent
. – Adrian Leonhard