TL;DR: How do you replicate JPQL Join-Fetch operations using specifications in Spring Data JPA?
I am trying to build a class that will handle dynamic query building for JPA entities using Spring Data JPA. To do this, I am defining a number of methods that create Predicate
objects (such as is suggested in the Spring Data JPA docs and elsewhere), and then chaining them when the appropriate query parameter is submitted. Some of my entities have one-to-many relationships with other entities that help describe them, which are eagerly fetched when queried and coalesced into collections or maps for DTO creation. A simplified example:
public class Gene {
privateLong id;
private String symbol;
private String species;
@OneToMany(mappedBy="gene", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<GeneSymbolAlias> aliases;
@OneToMany(mappedBy="gene", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<GeneAttributes> attributes;
// etc...
public class GeneSymbolAlias {
@Column(name = "alias_id")
private Long id;
private String symbol;
private Gene gene;
// etc...
Query string parameters are passed from the Controller
class to the Service
class as key-value pairs, where they are processed and assembled into Predicates
public class GeneService {
@Autowired private GeneRepository repository;
@Autowired private GeneSpecificationBuilder builder;
public List<Gene> findGenes(Map<String,Object> params){
return repository.findAll(builder.getSpecifications(params));
public class GeneSpecificationBuilder {
public Specifications<Gene> getSpecifications(Map<String,Object> params){
Specifications<Gene> = null;
for (Map.Entry param: params.entrySet()){
Specification<Gene> specification = null;
if (param.getKey().equals("symbol")){
specification = symbolEquals((String) param.getValue());
} else if (param.getKey().equals("species")){
specification = speciesEquals((String) param.getValue());
} //etc
if (specification != null){
if (specifications == null){
specifications = Specifications.where(specification);
} else {
return specifications;
private Specification<Gene> symbolEquals(String symbol){
return new Specification<Gene>(){
@Override public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Gene> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder){
return builder.equal(root.get("symbol"), symbol);
// etc...
In this example, every time I want to retrieve a Gene
record, I also want its associated GeneAttribute
and GeneSymbolAlias
records. This all works as expected, and a request for a single Gene
will fire off 3 queries: one each to the Gene
, GeneAttribute
, and GeneSymbolAlias
The problem is that there is no reason that 3 queries need to run to get a single Gene
entity with embedded attributes and aliases. This can be done in plain SQL, and it can be done with a JPQL query in my Spring Data JPA repository:
@Query(value = "select g from Gene g left join fetch g.attributes join fetch g.aliases where g.symbol = ?1 order by g.entrezGeneId")
List<Gene> findBySymbol(String symbol);
How can I replicate this fetching strategy using Specifications? I found this question here, but it only seems to make lazy fetches into eager fetches.
? Something likeroot.fetch("attributes", JoinType.LEFT)
– Predrag Maricattributes
, but it still requires an additional query. I want all of the fetches to be part of a single query. – woemleraliases
should do it:root.fetch("aliases", JoinType.LEFT)
– Predrag Maric