Since you're using the MVVM pattern, I assume that your buttons in the command bar have corresponding ICommand
s in the view model.
You can bind your DataGrid
's SelectedItem
property to a view model property (of course, with a two-way binding) and make that decision according to this property value. If it is null
, so there's no item currently selected in the DataGrid
, and you can delete the whole record. If it is set to an instance, then a row is selected in the DataGrid
, and you can delete only one row.
If you need to exactly know which was the last focused element, you can use the Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus attached event in your code behind. Or even better, create your own Behavior
with a dependency propery that you can bind to your view model.
enum LastFocusedEntityType { None, Record, Row }
class LastFocusedEntityTrackingBehavior : Behavior<UIElement>
public static readonly LastFocusedEntityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
public LastFocusedEntityType LastFocusedEntity
get { return (LastFocusedEntityType)this.GetValue(LastFocusedEntityProperty); }
set { this.Setvalue(LastFocusedEntityProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
Keyboard.AddPreviewLostKeyboardFocusHandler(this.AssociatedObject, this.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusHandler);
private void PreviewLostKeyboardFocusHandler(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.OldFocus is DataGrid)
this.LastFocusedEntity = LastFocusedEntityType.Row;
this.LastFocusedEntity = LastFocusedEntityType.Record;
Then you can apply this behavior to your master block container:
<local:LastFocusedEntityTrackingBehavior LastFocusedEntity="{Binding LastFocusedEntity, Mode=OneWayToSource}"/>
In your view model, your ICommand
's Execute()
method should then look at the LastFocusedEntity
property value and decide what to do next.
Note: I didn't check this code whether it compiles.