
Is it possible to iterate through the delegates of a ListView or GridView using foreach or a similar function?


2 Answers


While Simon's answer is a best practice, to answer the actual question being asked you need to iterate over the children of ListView's contentItem like so:

ListView {
    id: list
    model: mymodel
    delegate: Text {
        objectName: "text"
        text: name + ": " + number

for(var child in list.contentItem.children) {

You can then filter using objectName or any other property of the delegate Item.


Are you sure you want to iterate over delegates? In most cases you want to iterate over the model because in case of a ListView there might be only a handful of delegates even if your model has 100 entries. This is because a delegate is re-filled when it moved out of the visible area.

You need a model that has a function like for example at() which returns the model element for a given position. Than you can do something like

ListView {
    // ...

    function find(convId)
        // count is a property of ListView that returns the number of elements
        if (count > 0)
            for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                // `model` is a property of ListView too
                // it must have an at() metghod (or similar)
                if (model.at(i)["id_"] === convId)
                    return i;

    // ...