I would say that the 2013 R in Finance presentation on the quantstrat package is a good start. On page 8 you clearly see that quantstrat is one in many building block in a research/trading production environment.
As the presentation also shows, there are many ways to get daily data for free through quantmod etc. (see page 8 again). But addressing your question the best way to get market data into quantstrat from Bloomberg is to use our RbbgExtension package (I know it is shameless self-promotion) that is a more intuitive wrapper to the Rbbg package. I am of course biased about my recommendation, but I believe it is worth a try on your part.
You install RbbgExtension like this...
Below is an example that mimics the GBPUSD example in the presentation on page 16.
require(RbbgExtension) require(quantmod)
GBPUSD <- BarData(tickers = "GBPUSD",
type = "Curncy",
start.date = "2015-03-02",
start.time = "00:00:00",
end.date = "2015-03-30",
end.time = "00:00:00",
interval = "30")
Here is a chart of GBPUSD for March.
Source: Bloomberg
With this xts object you can put into quantstrat engine and build your signals etc.