
I was deleting some files from the default bucket of my application and I accidentally deleted also the bucket itself using gsutil rm command.

Is there a way to restore/recreate/bring it back ? I would like to continue to use the free quota and not enable billing.

What I tried to do so far is that (but I'm not sure it is correct). I first enable billing just to re-create a bucket with the same name: xxx.appspot.com. In order to be able to do that I verified that I'm the owner of the domain. I setup the default acl to give my app OWNER access using the service account. Then I disabled the billing again.

Is the bucket considered like the default bucket create by app engine cloud storage integration and use the free quota tier ?

The only way to get it back seems to be creating a new project. There is no option to restore the bucket in the console, and there is no documentation on how to restore the bucket if it gets deleted.Adam
Yeah.. it seem so.. unfortunately. I hope I can avoid that, but not a big problem.. I will re-create it.Cristian Marastoni
That is very unfortunate. I had the same problem. I tried creating the bucket with the same name (<projectname>.appspot.com) but was refused because I dont own the appspot domain.Michael

2 Answers


Just login to your Cloud Console Dashboard, go to AppEngine and select settings then Create Default Bucket.

I deleted mine severally and recreated it again!


No there is no way to restore a deleted bucket or object inside a bucket. DELETE operation comes under strong global consistency. Keep in mind that you can use Google Cloud Storage only after enabling billing for your project. It's not free.