
I want to compile my program locally and next run on server, because I haven't cuda capable graphics card.

My computer:

  • Kubuntu 12.04 x32
  • Nvidia display driver - lack
  • Nvcc - v6.01
  • Gcc - 4.6.3


  • Ubuntu 13.10 x64
  • Graphics card - GF GTX 480
  • Nvidia display driver - 337.xx
  • Nvcc - v6.01
  • Gcc - 4.8.1

Compilation on local computer:

nvcc kernel.cu

Running on server:


But I get following error - "Cuda driver version is insufficient for cuda runtime version." What's wrong? When I compile my code on server it work without problem.


1 Answers


The problem might be caused by the fact that you compile on x32 but execute on x64 architecture.

This problem is also described here: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/555955/32-bit-executable-fails-with-insufficient-driver-version-on-64-bit-linux-os/

The solution provided there is to install the missing 32bit gcc libraries, which in your case (Ubuntu) should possible through:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6