I want to migrate from svn server to git and completely move to git.
My svn repository contain several folder each one contain difference project.
I cloned the svn repository to git using git svn then i tried to split each of the folders to difference branch using this command: git subtree split -P name-of-folder -b name-of-new-branch.
The problem is that in some part of the history I mvoed one of the folder to other location and the history in the git repository is keeped only from this position.
I can not see the history even immediately after I run git svn clone
My svn layout is like this:
svnrepo/ folderA/ projectA files(.sln,.cpp) folderB/ projectB files(.java) folder/ folderC/ folderC files(.cs) folderD/ folderD files(.cs)
I want that will be branch for folder A branch for folderB branch for folderC and branch for folderD.
edit: In some point of my project I moved folderC and folderD like this:
folder/ web/ folderC/ folderC files(.cs) folderD/ folderD files(.cs)
Then when I try to clone from the url of folderC I get the history only from the point I moved folderC to web although there was a lot of history before.
Is there any way to save also the history from the previous location?
git svn clone
. It can handle this. – Jonathon Reinhart