
Page Navigation in Windows Phone 8.1 is:


or with parameter:

Frame.Navigate(typeof(SecondPage), param);

and on the target page:

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
  myTextBox.Text = e.Parameter.ToString();


protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
  var val = (myClass)e.Parameter;
  myTextBox.Text = val.Text;

But in my case I want to do something with those data received on the target page. For example I want to let the user edit those data and save them as new data. I've searched for hours and all I could find was just page navigation with or without parameter and not the one I've described above. Is there any way to approach this? Any suggestion, solution is appreciated!

When you say "edit", what do you want to do with the edited version? Pass it back to the caller? Save to a web service?Rowland Shaw
As I've said above save the new data locally in the ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettingsShaheem John
@ShaheemJohn Where is your problem? Just save it to the local settings. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/…cansik
Yes all I want to do with the received data on the target page is to save them locally in the ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings that is it.Shaheem John
@cansik The link you've sent it do not explain my scenario.Shaheem John

1 Answers


To pass your text and the settings name to your edit form, use a KeyValuePair:

//figure out how to get the text out of the list
var myItem = new KeyValuePair<string, string>("mytextsetting", "listbox.selecteditem.text");
Frame.Navigate(typeof(SecondPage), myItem);

On the second page, you can now store the incoming parameter:

KeyValuePair<string, string> _myItem;

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
   _myItem = e.Parameter as KeyValuePair<string, string>;
   myTextBox.Text = myItem.Value;

Now when the user wants to save the edited text:

_myItem.Value = myTextBox.Text;

//save it to the settings
localSettings.Values[_myItem.Key] = _myItem.Value;