
I ran into a problem today where I was passing a key with the value set to an empty array to http_build_query(). E.g.:

$args = array("foo", "bar", array(), "baz");
$qs = http_build_query($args);
echo $qs; // outputs 0=foo&1=bar&3=baz, I expected 0=foo&1=bar&2=&3=baz

This presents a problem for me, since I'm passing some data to an internal API over http and I need to pull all the arguments out on the other side.

Well, I googled this and came up with the following bug report: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50407 . The terse reply from an admin is, "Not setting is same as setting it empty. No bug."

Can somebody explain to me why this is not a bug? Does anyone have any ideas for a workaround, aside from the lame hack of setting an arbitrary value on one side and interpreting that value as an empty value on the other?


Here's why I think it's a bug:

$args = array("foo", "bar", array(), "baz");
$qs = http_build_query($args);
parse_str($qs, $query);
echo ($args == $query); // false, I expect it to be true

I guess perhaps it's naive of me to consider parse_str() and http_build_query() to be inverses of one another.

I'm posting my current "lame hack" solution as an answer below.

doesn't sound like he's saying anything at all relating to what will happen to the data inside the API.Johrn
@Col. Shrapnel: That's quite a jump. He just wants to be able to pass a variable with an empty value.webbiedave
you could use json_encode instead. it does work correctly with empty arrays and generates nearly as short strings as http_build_query.ITroubs
I'd say is a design flaw, no parameter is not the same to empty parameter. When you have to use third party APIs you have no choice but to consider this a bug, what if you have to sign your data or compare a hash? You won't be able to do it with this implementationAst Derek
This is a general problem with php for url related function at least. I experienced similar problem with parse_url. Basically these function do not reject invalid entries ( or what their implementation believe is invalid ) and then they return garbage . i.e. unexpected ouput. I add to reimplement full regex checking before calling parse_url to make sure I filter out unsupported inputs. There are multiple bugs and core language developers are stubborn. e.g. bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54369Frederic Bazin

5 Answers


I've reimplemented http_build_query to leave empty objects/arrays in the returned query string (suffixed by an '=' symbol). I've enhanced it a bit from the default functionality as well, so all-in-all:

  • Maintains empty objects and arrays
  • Changed the default enc_type to RFC3986 (relevant to the ages)
  • Added a key-value separator argument (ability to override the default '=')
  • Removes numeric indices for numerically-indexed key-value pairs

I have not tested this in a production environment (no idea about performance or bugs), and it is not optimized, but very well spelled out.

function buildQuery($input,$numeric_prefix='',
        $keyvalue_separator='=',$prefix='') {
    if ( is_array($input) ) {
        $arr = array();
        foreach ( $input as $key => $value ) {
            $name = $prefix;
            if ( strlen($prefix) ) {
                $name .= '[';
                if ( !is_numeric($key) ) {
                    $name .= $key;
                $name .= ']';
            } else {
                if ( is_numeric($key) ) {
                    $name .= $numeric_prefix;
                $name .= $key;
            if ( (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) && count($value) ) {
                $arr[] = buildQuery($value,$numeric_prefix,
            } else {
                if ( $enc_type === 2 ) {
                    $arr[] = rawurlencode($name)
                } else {
                    $arr[] = urlencode($name)
        return implode($arg_separator,$arr);
    } else {
        if ( $enc_type === 2 ) {
            return rawurlencode($input);
        } else {
            return urlencode($input);


$arr = array(
        'hello' => 'world',
        'colors' => array('red','green','blue'),
        'emptyArr' => array(),
        'nested' => array(
            'empty' => array(),
            'fruits' => array('orange','banana','apple'),
            'curly' => 'sue',
            'assoc' => array('a'=>'alpha','b'=>'bravo','c'=>'charlie')

echo buildQuery($arr);

Outputs: hello=world&colors%5B%5D=red&colors%5B%5D=green&colors%5B%5D=blue&emptyArr=&nested%5Bempty%5D=&nested%5Bfruits%5D%5B%5D=orange&nested%5Bfruits%5D%5B%5D=banana&nested%5Bfruits%5D%5B%5D=apple&nested%5Bcurly%5D=sue&nested%5Bassoc%5D%5Ba%5D=alpha&nested%5Bassoc%5D%5Bb%5D=bravo&nested%5Bassoc%5D%5Bc%5D=charlie I hope this finds someone well.


Can somebody explain to me why this is not a bug?

Technically, I don't think it should be labeled a bug. Rather, it's just how they designed the function to behave, whether others disagree with that decision or not.

Your API could just check with if (empty($_POST['2']))


This is my current "lame hack" solution. Note I had to account for the possibility of nested arrays, so my example original array is slightly different from what I posted in the question:

$args = array("foo", "bar", array("red", "blue", array(), "green"), "baz");
$original_array = $args; // save it to compare later
function replace_empty_array_with_fake_string(&$value, $key) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
        if (empty($value)) {
            $value = 'array()';
        } else {
            array_walk($value, 'replace_empty_array_with_fake_string');

array_walk($args, 'replace_empty_array_with_fake_string');
$qs = http_build_query($args);

// convert the query string back to an array, this would happen on the "other side"
parse_str($qs, $query);
function replace_fake_string_with_empty_array(&$value, $key) {
    if ($value == 'array()') {
        $value = array();
    if (is_array($value)) {
        array_walk($value, 'replace_fake_string_with_empty_array');
array_walk($query, 'replace_fake_string_with_empty_array');
echo ($original_array == $query); // true

Presumably I could come up with a more arbitrary string than "array()" to use as the placeholder.

Lame, I know.


You can simply walk the query params, if empty array, use "[]" instead, like this:

function walkCriteria(&$criteria) {
    array_walk($criteria, function (&$val) {
        if ($val === []) {
            $val = "[]";
        } else if (is_array($val)) {

Don't use array_walk_recursive. Because it will walk into the empty array and do nothing.


Building on @anyx solution: If you want to preserve the original array and also handle NULL values, you can use this version:

function empty2blank(array $arr) {
 array_walk($arr, function(&$val, $key) {
  if (empty($val)) { 
   $val = is_array($val) ? '[]' : '';
  } elseif (is_array($val)) {
   $val = empty2blank($val);
 return $arr;