I am searching for solution of my problem for a while and getting suspicion that I chose wrong approach, but it looked simple enough to be possible.
Basically I want to inform my application where some additional data will be installed. I am doing it by defining preprocessor variable during compilation. Unfortunately data installation and application compilation is defined in two separate Makefiles (genereted with autotools) and I don't know how to pass this installation path between them.
I extracted the problematic part from my project, so here is how it looks like:
|-- configure.ac
|-- Makefile.am
|-- info
| \-- index.html
\-- src
|-- Makefile.am
\-- main.cpp
AC_INIT(foo, 1.0)
AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile)
infodir = $(datadir)/foo/
nobase_dist_info_DATA = info/index.html
SUBDIRS = . src
bin_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_SOURCES = main.cpp
foo_CPPFLAGS = -DWEB_PATH=\"$(infodir)\"
After ./configure $(infodir)
in src/Makefile is not defined. How can I tell src/Makefile.am to generate this variable with the value from top level Makefile? Or, if it is just wrong way to do it, how can I achive my goal in a right way?