
I'm a newby in Scala :( That's said, I'm fighting against Play framework Action.async and Future calls.

I'd like to call 2 Futures in the same Action and wait until they both compute to send their result in my view.

Here is the code :

    def showPageWithTags(category: String) = Action.async {
        val page = PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category)).map {
          case Some(page) => {
            page.content = page.content.byteArrayToString
        val futureTags = ArticleDAO.listTags
        Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(page, futureTags))

with this defined functions :

def findOne(id: String): Future[Option[PageModel]]

def listTags: Future[List[String]] 

I get this errors :

[error]  found   : Some[A]
[error]  required: models.PageModel
[error]         case Some(page) => {
[error]              ^
[error]  found   : None.type
[error]  required: models.PageModel
[error]         case None => {
[error]              ^
[error]  found   : Option[Nothing]
[error]  required: scala.concurrent.Future[play.api.mvc.Result]
[error]       optionPage.map {
[error]                      ^
[error]  found   : scala.concurrent.Future[Unit]
[error]  required: models.PageModel
[error]         Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(optionPage, futureTags))
[error]                                      ^
[error]  found   : scala.concurrent.Future[List[String]]
[error]  required: List[String]
[error]         Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(optionPage, futureTags))
[error]                                                  ^

I've tried map, for/yield, foreach to deal with Option and Future but there is always one of this errors which remains.

Yet the one Future call was working good before I add the "Tag" functionality :

  def showPage(category: String) = Action.async {
    PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category)).map {
      case Some(page) => {
        page.content = page.content.byteArrayToString
      case None => {

How can I call 2 Futures in the same action and wait until they both compute to pass them to my page view via Ok() ?

Many thanks to any clarifications !


3 Answers


You need to map and flatMap the Futures in order to access their results asynchronously. Action.async expects a Future[Result], so you must map your Futures to that. Here's a simple way:

def showPageWithTags(category: String) = Action.async {
    val page = PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category)).map {
      case Some(page) => {
    val futureTags = ArticleDAO.listTags

    page.flatMap { page =>
        futureTags.map { tags =>
            Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(page, tags))

Or you can clean this up using a for-comprehension, which is syntactic sugar for flatMap/map.

def showPageWithTags(category: String) = Action.async {
    for {
        pageOpt <- PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category))
        tags <- ArticleDAO.listTags
    } yield {
        pageOpt.map { page =>
            Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(page, tags))
        } getOrElse {

I also took the liberty of simplifying your map on the findOne results.


You can use the flatMap method of the Future.

The flatMap method takes a function that maps the value to a new future g, and then returns a future which is completed once g is completed.

(from http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html)

So maybe try:

def showPage(category: String) = Action.async {
  ArticleDAO.listTags.flatMap { tags =>
    PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category)).map {
      case Some(page) => {
        page.content = page.content.byteArrayToString
        Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(page, tags))
      case None => {

You can try like this.

def showPageWithTags(category: String) = Action.async {

       pOpt <- PageDAO.findOne(Json.obj("category" -> category))
      futureTags <- ArticleDAO.listTags
      } yield{
          pOpt match {
           case Some(x)=> Ok(views.html.web.pages.show(x.content.byteArrayToString, futureTags))
           case _=> NotFound