Problem: in the user profile page taxonomy term United Kingdom is displaying only in default language but not translating.
I have vocabulary Countries that has "Localize" option. I've translated all the terms. For example: United Kingdom = Vereinigtes Königreich = Royaume-Uni = Великобритания.
I've made a menu Countries - so in language versions menu items are displaying translated and ok! But in the user profile page Field Country is displaying only in default language and not translating if I go to lang versions. The labels are displaying translated so I have Country, Land, Pays, Страна - labels. But the term United Kingdom is displaying only in english.
I am using Internationalization i18n, Taxonomy translation, Field Translation, String translation, Multilingual select modules.
here I have two methods language selection /admin/config/regional/language/configure : url and by default.
/admin/config/regional/i18n/select here i have checked both Select nodes by language Select taxonomy terms by language
I've tried to use Entity Translation but it is very big and difficult and not that I need.
May be there is User translation module?
Please what should I do to translate terms in user profile fields drupal 7?