we have problems when we create StandardListItems in the controller. We do that because we have to call another OData endpoint in relation with bindItems, for a list of attachments. You can see that part below in the Detail Controller. The press property in the normal XML view would call a function in the related controller.
We expected the same behavior with the approach below. Hence that handleItemPress is the handler and will be called after a press on the item.
But as said before nothing happens.
We tried different notations for the press event (with binding this and without):
press: [this.handleItemPress, this]
press: this.handleItemPress
press: "handleItemPress"
None of them worked though. So, what can we do to make the press on the item work?
Detail View:
Detail Controller:
if (evt.getParameter("key") === "AttachmentTab") {
var template = new sap.m.StandardListItem({
title: "{Objecttext}",
description: "{Filename}",
icon: {
path: "Type",
formatter: sap.ui.prototype.approval.util.Formatter.attachmentIcon
press: [this.handleItemPress, this]
"/Invoices(Bukrs='" + bukrs + "',Belnr='" + belnr + "',Gjahr='" + gjahr + "',EdcObject='" + edcObject + "')/Attachments",
handleItemPress : function (evt){
console.log("The item was pressed");