when I try to call a defrule
that have been used already, clips stop..
some defrule
need to be used more than one time, is there any way to do it
here is an example
defrule choice-in-powerPlant2
(printout t "Are Filter and Carburetor Air working fine(y/n)?" crlf)
(bind ?response (check-YNoptions-input)); Get user input on type of questions
(if (eq ?response y)
(assert (powerPlant1-question)
(if (or(eq ?response q) (eq ?response Q))
(if (eq ?response n)
(printout t "Have you fixed this(y/n)?" crlf)
(bind ?response (check-YNoptions-input)); Get user input on type of questions
(if (eq ?response y)
(assert (powerPlant1-question)
(if (eq ?response n)
(printout req "Please replace Filter and Carburetor Air " crlf)
(assert (powerPlant3-question))
in rule 2 I want to go back to rule 1 when I enter "y"=yes
" running stopped once I enterd "y" "