I have reached an impass which means I have to spend many hours doing something in a very tedious way because I can't work out a way to do it quickly, here is my problem.
In flash if I make a button that consists of a rectangle and a text field then make it all a button symbol, if I then copy the symbol to multiple instances on screen and change the text in one of them, it changes in all of them because I am changing the symbol.
How can I overcome this, perhaps with actionscript? I tried writing. button1.text1.text = "test change button text"; on the main canvas (and giving one button a name of button one and the text field within it text1) but it doesn't work.
The only thing I found that works was to make multiple symbol copies of the button but then if I want to change the colour or dimensions of all the buttons it takes ages.
Is there a better way? Using actionscript 2 perhaps, or just some property of the button to allow individual text?