
I am exploring the exciting world of Clojure, but I am stopped on this... I have two vectors, different in length, stored in vars.

(def lst1 ["name" "surname" "age"]) 
(def lst2 ["Jimi" "Hendrix" "28" "Sam" "Cooke" "33" "Buddy" "Holly" "23"])

I want to interleave them and obtain a map, with keys from first list and values from the second, like the following one:

{"name" "Jimi" , "surname" "Hendrix" , "age" "28" , 
 "name" "Sam" , "surname" "Cooke" , "age" "33" ... }

even the following solution, with proper keys, would be ok:

{:name "Jimi" , :surname "Hendrix" , :age" "28" , ... }

I can use interleave-all function from Medley library and then apply the hash-map fn:

(apply hash-map 
    (vec (interleave-all (flatten (repeat 3 lst1)) lst2)))

=> {"age" "23", "name" "Buddy", "surname" "Holly"}

but returns just last musician. This persistent hashmap is not ordered, but is not the point.

I later tried to pair keys and values, maybe for a possible future use of assoc, who knows...

(map vector
       (for [numMusicians (range 0 3) , keys (range 0 3)] (-> lst1 (nth keys) (keyword)))
       (for [values (range 0 9)] (-> lst2 (nth values) (str)))

Returns a lazy sequence with paired vectors and proper keywords.

=> ([:name "Jimi"] [:surname "Hendrix"] [:age "28"] [:name "Sam"] ...)

Now I want to try into that should return

a new coll consisting of to-coll with ALL of the items of from-coll conjoined.

(into {}
  (map vector
       (for [numMusicians (range 0 3) , keys (range 0 3)] (-> lst1 (nth keys) (keyword)))
       (for [values (range 0 9)] (-> lst2 (nth values) (str)))

But again:

=> {:name "Buddy", :surname "Holly", :age "23"}

just the last musician, this time in a persistent array map. I want a map with all my dead musicians. Someone knows where I am wrong?


Thank you guys! Have managed the fn this way:

(use 'clojure.set)
(->> (partition 3 lst2) (map #(zipmap % lst1)) (map map-invert))

=> ({"name" "Jimi", "surname" "Hendrix", "age" "28"} {"name" "Sam", "surname" "Cooke", "age" "33"} {"name" "Buddy", "surname" "Holly", "age" "23"})

2 Answers


Each key can only exist once in a map. So your later values overwrite the earlier ones.

To get a list of maps per artiste you could do something like:

(def lst1 ["name" "surname" "age"]) 
(def lst2 ["Jimi" "Hendrix" "28" "Sam" "Cooke" "33" "Buddy" "Holly" "23"])

(->> (partition 3 lst2) ; Split out the seperate people
     (map (fn [artist-seq] (zipmap lst1 artist-seq)))) ; Use zipmap to connect the keys and values.

This should work for any number of people as long as all the values are there, in the right order


Although you want the following form:

{"name" "Jimi" , "surname" "Hendrix" , "age" "28" , 
 "name" "Sam" , "surname" "Cooke" , "age" "33" ... }

This is not allowed because keys are collided. You can't add "name" as a key several times. Key should be unique in a map.

But you can construct a list of map with the following code:

user=> (->> (map (fn [ks vs] (interleave ks vs)) (repeat 3 lst1) (partition 3 lst2))
            (map #(apply hash-map %)))

({"age" "28", "name" "Jimi", "surname" "Hendrix"} {"age" "33", "name" "Sam", "surname" "Cooke"} {"age" "23", "name" "Buddy", "surname" "Holly"})

UPDATE @status203's solution which uses zipmap looks much better.

user=> (->> (partition 3 lst2)
            (map #(zipmap lst1 %)))

({"age" "28", "surname" "Hendrix", "name" "Jimi"} {"age" "33", "surname" "Cooke", "name" "Sam"} {"age" "23", "surname" "Holly", "name" "Buddy"})