
I think I looked and searched everywhere but I could not find any charts or report with referrer traffic data. I am using the newest version that stores data in the preview Azure portal. In the old Application insights (that was in VS Online) had this data.

Does anyone know if and where it can be found in the new portal?

Thanks in advance!


2 Answers


We don't have a native support for url referrer yet. As a workaround you could add a custom property to each JS SDK api call you need (like trackPageView). You'll have to set the property value yourself. I checked that this works:

    appInsights.trackPageView(null, null, {urlReferrer: document.referrer});

First two nulls make us to set page name and url automatically. 3rd parameter is a custom properties object. Then you'll be able to group by "urlReferrer" in the portal.


There is a property called "Page view referral url base" that you should be able to segment the chart or grid of page views. In the Metric Explorer, Add a chart => Select Page View Metric => Turn Grouping On => select Page view referral URL base.