
In SICP exercise 2.26, this Scheme code is given:

(define x (list 1 2 3))
(define y (list 4 5 6))

Then this cons call is given:

(cons x y)

I expected a pair of lists would result, ((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) but the interpreter gives, ((1 2 3) 4 5 6) ...a list with 4 elements, the first being a list. Why is y treated differently? I've tried looking up other SICP answers for an explanation, but couldn't find something satisfactory. So could any Scheme/Lisp experts please shed some light on this aspect of cons? Thanks in advance for any insight.

Thank you to all responders to my question, particularly Nathan and tonio. This newbie in Scheme/Lisp now groks the language a bit better because of your detailed answers.limist
Also see Recursive range in Lisp adds a period? for a similar explanation.Joshua Taylor

6 Answers


'((1 2 3) 4 5 6) is actually a pair of lists. Here's another way to write it:

'((1 2 3) . (4 5 6))

However, the printer avoids dotted pair notation whenever it can, so you get the first representation instead. The rule is:

'(x . (xs ...))
'(x xs ...)

For any x and xs. Here, your x = '(1 2 3) and xs = '(4 5 6), so you get ((1 2 3) 4 5 6).

To see how cons and dotted-pair notation is related, let's shorten the problem to just '(1) and '(6). The lowest level way to build a pair of them is this:

(cons (cons 1 '()) (cons 6 '()))

Here, '() is nil, or the empty list. If we translate this literally to dotted-pair notation, we get this:

'((1 . ()) . (6 . ()))

But because the printer collapses dotted-pair notation whenever possible, you get this instead:

'((1 . ()) . (6 . ()))
'((1) . (6))    ; <-- x=1, xs=nothing; x=6, xs=nothing
'((1) 6) ; <-- x=1, xs=6

cons uses the first argument as head of the list, and the second as tail.

You give it a first list (1 2 3), which will constitute the head of the resulting list and a second list (4 5 6), to be used as tail of the list. Thus, you end with ((1 2 3) 4 5 6).

Thing of lists as left-to-right combs, ending with empty list (represented as o here), and see how they combine.

 X=      Y=
 /\      /\
1 /\  + 4 /\    
 2 /\    5 /\  
  3  o    6  o

You then build:

X  Y


 /\ \
1 /\ \
 2 /\ \
  3  o/\
     4 /\
      5 /\
       6  o

which is ((1 2 3) 4 5 6 when represented with parenthesis. And this is a pair of lists.


hey, i think you could think of it in this way;

whenever there is a nil, there must be a pair of parenthesis, as follow:

(cons 1 (cons 2 nil))--> (list 1 2)

(let ((x (list 1 2 3)) (y (list 4 5 6))))

1.(cons x y)--> (cons (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) (cons 4 (cons 5 (cons 6 nil)))) here, the first nil stands for an end of a pair which could be expressed by parenthesis; whereas the second nil stands for the end of the whole pair which use another pair of parenthesis; so, ((1 2 3) 4 5 6)

2.(list x y)-> (cons x (cons y nil); as we know the x contain a nil, so it must be (1 2 3); the second part contains two nils, so ((1 2 3) (4 5 6));

the inner most nil means the outer most parenthesis;

Hope it can help.


I found the diagrams in the Emacs Lisp tutorial particularly helpful when learning Lisp.


try (list x y) I'm sure it works on common lisp, I don't know about Scheme