
Is there any way to get the datagridview cell value when changing?

I have a datagridview with 5 columns such as Invoice number, Invoice Date, Invoice For, Qty, Rate, Unit Price.

When i changing the qty or rate, application needs to multiplies the qty and rate and put it them into Unit Price cell.

I have already tried with CellValueChanged with CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged. But it end edit the cell value of my current editing cell's data. which cause that unable to enter further data into that cell.

Cell Value Changing Event ,c#

Please help me to solve this.

have u tried CellEndEdit?Osama Gadour
yes i did.. but it reflects after only the focus comes out from the current cell.Balagurunathan Marimuthu
can u show me ur code that u've used in CellValueChanged with CurrentCellDirtyStateChangedOsama Gadour
please give some example code. i work massivly with all of these events without any problem. Is your datagridview databound?swe
please have a look at this site, maybe it helps you to understand the different events: codeproject.com/Articles/240221/DataGridView-Event-Sequencesswe

1 Answers


you can try cell validating event with cell value changed event.