So I'm trying to implement a multi-class SVM.
Matlab didn't like having more than two classes to classify data into, so I'm using a Binary Decision Tree to classify data.
I have three classes and am splitting the data into two and one, I'll then classify the first results using a SVM and then classify the results of this to the one unclassified class.
However, when using LIBSVM, I'm getting an error when using svmpredict:
td= a{1,1};
tc = b{1,1};
td1 = a{1,2}; %data to test svm
testdatatest = td1(1:30,1:4); %data to test svm
data = td(1:80, 1:4); %split data
target = tc(1:80); %split data
model = svmtrain(data, target); %train
[predicted_label, accuracy, decision_values]=svmpredict(testdatatest,target, model);
The error I get is:
Undefined function 'svmpredict' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
Any suggestions would be great, thanks.