Given some method
def f[A,B](p: A)(implicit a: X[A,B], b: Y[B])
Does the order of a
before b
within the implicit parameter list matter for type inference?
I thought only the placement of parameters within different parameter lists matters, e.g. type information flows only through parameter lists from left to right.
I'm asking because I noticed that changing the order of implicit parameters within the singly implicit list made a program of mine compile.
Real example
The following code is using:
- shapeless 2.1.0
- Scala 2.11.5
Here is a simple sbt build file to help along with compiling the examples:
scalaVersion := "2.11.5"
libraryDependencies += "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.1.0"
scalaSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value
Onto the example. This code compiles:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped
class Foo {
trait NN
trait Node[X] extends NN
object Computation {
def foo[LN <: HList, N <: HList, TupN <: Product, FunDT]
(dependencies: TupN)
(computation: FunDT)
(implicit tupToHlist: Generic.Aux[TupN, LN], unwrap: Comapped.Aux[LN, Node, N]) = ???
// (implicit unwrap: Comapped.Aux[LN, Node, N], tupToHlist: Generic.Aux[TupN, LN]) = ???
val ni: Node[Int] = ???
val ns: Node[String] = ???
val x = foo((ni,ns))((i: Int, s: String) => s + i.toString)
and this code fails
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped
class Foo {
trait NN
trait Node[X] extends NN
object Computation {
def foo[LN <: HList, N <: HList, TupN <: Product, FunDT]
(dependencies: TupN)
(computation: FunDT)
// (implicit tupToHlist: Generic.Aux[TupN, LN], unwrap: Comapped.Aux[LN, Node, N]) = ???
(implicit unwrap: Comapped.Aux[LN, Node, N], tupToHlist: Generic.Aux[TupN, LN]) = ???
val ni: Node[Int] = ???
val ns: Node[String] = ???
val x = foo((ni,ns))((i: Int, s: String) => s + i.toString)
with the following compile error
Error:(22, 25) ambiguous implicit values:
both method hnilComapped in object Comapped of type [F[_]]=> shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped.Aux[shapeless.HNil,F,shapeless.HNil]
and method hlistComapped in object Comapped of type [H, T <: shapeless.HList, F[_]](implicit mt: shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped[T,F])shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped.Aux[shapeless.::[F[H],T],F,shapeless.::[H,mt.Out]]
match expected type shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped.Aux[LN,Foo.this.Node,N]
val x = foo((ni,ns))((i: Int, s: String) => s + i.toString)
Error:(22, 25) could not find implicit value for parameter unwrap: shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped.Aux[LN,Foo.this.Node,N]
val x = foo((ni,ns))((i: Int, s: String) => s + i.toString)
Error:(22, 25) not enough arguments for method foo: (implicit unwrap: shapeless.ops.hlist.Comapped.Aux[LN,Foo.this.Node,N], implicit tupToHlist: shapeless.Generic.Aux[(Foo.this.Node[Int], Foo.this.Node[String]),LN])Nothing.
Unspecified value parameters unwrap, tupToHlist.
val x = foo((ni,ns))((i: Int, s: String) => s + i.toString)