
I'm attempting to run a small macro that searches column S of a worksheet and if the value in column S is <0.501, it deletes that row.

The code I am running at the moment deletes some rows but appears to do so randomly rather than based on the cell value in s. Can anyone see where my error is coming from?

Sub sort_delete_500cust()

         Dim WS_Count As Integer
         Dim I, K As Integer
         Dim endrow As Long

         ' Set WS_Count equal to the number of worksheets in the active
         ' workbook.
         WS_Count = Workbooks("Standard.xlsx").Worksheets.count

         ' Begin the loop.
         For I = 1 To WS_Count

            With Worksheets(I)

                endrow = .Range("a" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).row ' only works if cells are unmerged
                Range("A2:v2" & endrow).Sort _
                Key1:=Range("s2"), Order1:=xlDescending 'key is the sort by column

                                For K = 2 To endrow

                        If .Cells(K, 19).Value < 0.501 Then
                        .Range("S" & K).EntireRow.Delete

                        End If

                    Next K

            End With

         Next I

      End Sub


Pro-tip right there, @pnuts. When deleting, always start at the bottom and work to the top.tbur
Cheers @pnuts. Would have taken me a while to figure that out o_Osquar_o

1 Answers


You need to traverse your K loop in reverse order. Otherwise rows will be skipped as you delete because they are shifted up by the delete operation and your K value increments over them.

For K = endrow To 2 Step -1
    If CDec(.Cells(K, 19).Value) < CDec(0.501) Then
        .Range("S" & K).EntireRow.Delete
    End If