I'm trying to implement a Facebook login button to my Android application. I imported the SDK to my IDE (eclipse) but when I add the Facebook reference to my project errors show. I'm using navigator drawer and volley lib in my project and that's where I have errors .
what I have to do to fix this error?
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time).
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Versions found are:
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Path: D:\Omar\Android\WorkSpace\facebook-android- sdk-3.23.1\facebook-android-sdk-3.23.1\facebook\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Length: 758727
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] SHA-1: efec67655f6db90757faa37201efcee2a9ec3507
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Path: D:\Omar\Android\WorkSpace\MyApp\MyApp\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Length: 627582 [2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] SHA-1: db0f122c99ef9f90dbab3fada6d191f2880cbb8e [2015-03-18 15:22:52 - MyApp] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies