i wanna delete/remove a file from storage. the file is store in the "/shared/photos/". this is how i store the file
QByteArray* data; //some image data
QImage image;
QFile outFile("shared/photos/"+filename);
image.save(&outFile, "PNG");
and i can successfully view the image file with this code :
QString filepath;
QString workingDir = QDir::currentPath();
filepath = "file://" + workingDir + "/shared/photos/"+filename;
and it's viewed with no problem.
the QString "filepath" contains this string
And now i tried to delete/remove this file from storage. this is how i tried :
QString thumbnailImage = filepath;
// basically it contains string like filepath
QFile thumb(thumbnailImage);
bool ok = thumb.remove();
QString error = thumb.errorString();
if(ok){ qDebug() << "delete thumbnailImage success = " << ok; }
else{ qDebug() << "delete thumbnailImage failed !! "; }
and it's not working. the debug says "No such file or directory".
i also tried
and still not working. i also tried :
but still not working.
i also tried changing the workdir from QDir::currentPath()
to QDir::homepath()
and still no success.
so please tell me what exactly i should put in the QFile::remove() parameter. the reference https://developer.blackberry.com/native/reference/cascades/qfile.html#remove said the parameter is QString filename.
bool QFile::remove ( const QString & fileName )
what exactly i should insert the parameter? please help me guys.
Regards, Yoga Try Utomo