I have an ASP.NET MVC project which uses Entity Framwork, SignalR and Hangfire jobs.
My main (root) container is defined this way:
builder.RegisterType<DbContext>().InstancePerLifetimeScope(); // EF Db Context
builder.RegisterType<ChatService>().As<IChatService>().SingleInstance(); // classic "service", has dependency on DbContext
builder.RegisterType<ChatHub>().ExternallyOwned(); // SignalR hub
builder.RegisterType<UpdateStatusesJob>().InstancePerDependency(); // Hangfire job
builder.RegisterType<HomeController>().InstancePerRequest(); // ASP.NET MVC controller
IContainer container = builder.Build();
For MVC I'm using Autofac.MVC5 nuget package. Dependency resolver:
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
For SignalR I'm using Autofac.SignalR nuget package. Dependency resolver:
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver = new Autofac.Integration.SignalR.AutofacDependencyResolver(container);
My signalR hub is instantiated this way (http://autofac.readthedocs.org/en/latest/integration/signalr.html#managing-dependency-lifetimes):
private ILifetimeScope _hubScope;
protected IChatService ChatService;
public ChatHub(ILifetimeScope scope) {
_hubScope = scope.BeginLifetimeScope(); // scope
ChatService = _hubScope.Resolve<IChatService>(); // this service is used in hub methods
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
// Dipose the hub lifetime scope when the hub is disposed.
if (disposing && _hubScope != null)
For Hangfire I'm using Hangfire.Autofac package:
config.UseActivator(new AutofacJobActivator(container));
Jobs are instantiated this way:
private readonly ILifetimeScope _jobScope;
protected IChatService ChatService;
protected BaseJob(ILifetimeScope scope)
_jobScope = scope.BeginLifetimeScope();
ChatService = _jobScope.Resolve<IChatService>();
public void Dispose()
Question/problem: I always get same instance of DbContext in hubs and jobs. I want that all hub instances will get the same ChatService, but the DbContext (which is dependency of ChatService) will always be a new instance. Also Hangfire jobs should act the same.
Can this be done, or am I missing something?
Update 1:
After thinking (and sleeping over) I think I have two choices. I still want to to keep "session per request" ("session per hub", "session per job").
Option 1:
Change that all services will have InstancePerLifetimeScope. Instantiation of services is not expensive. For the services which maintains some kind of state I would create another "storage" (class) which will be SingleInstance and will not have dependency on session (DbContext). I think this will work for hubs and jobs also.
Option 2:
Create some kind of factory which was suggested by @Ric .Net. Something like this:
public class DbFactory: IDbFactory
public MyDbContext GetDb()
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
var db = HttpContext.Current.Items["db"] as MyDbContext;
if (db == null)
db = new MyDbContext();
HttpContext.Current.Items["db"] = db;
return db;
// What to do for jobs and hubs?
return new MyDbContext();
protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var db = HttpContext.Current.Items["db"] as MyDbContext;
if (db != null)
I think that this would work for MVC, but I don't know hot to get it working for hubs (every hub call is new instance of the hub) and jobs (every run of a job is a new instance of the job class).
I am leaning towards option 1. What do you think?
Many thanks!