
I'm using WSO2 API Manager 1.8 and it has been deployed on the cloud according this guide with a HAProxy. I have been given a IP https://192.168.X.XYZ to access the API Manager which is the IP given to the cloud instance.

My problem is when I type https://192.168.X.XYZ, it loads the publisher, what I want to do is load the API store rather than loading the publisher. Basic idea is that a domain will be mapped to the above IP address. So when an user type the domain user should be shown the API Store not the API Publisher.

https://192.168.X.XYZ -> https://myapistore.com

How can I configure API store to be loaded rather than the API Publisher in WSO2 API Manager 1.8?


1 Answers


In <AM_HOME>/repository/components/plugins directory, there is a bundle called "org.wso2.am.styles_1.x.x.jar". Open this jar and find its component.xml file which resides in META-INF directory. You should notice that default-context has been pointed to publisher. Change it to store as follows and update the jar.

       <description>API Publisher Default Context</description>

After doing the above restart the server.

Now, if you try to access the root URL of the server https://192.168.X.XYZ, it will be redirected to the API Store (https://192.168.X.XYZ/store/).