
I currently have rails 4.2.0. Whenever I try to run rake assets precompile I got this:

DEPRECATION WARNING: The configuration option config.serve_static_assets has been renamed to config.serve_static_files to clarify its role (it merely enables serving everything in the public folder and is unrelated to the asset pipeline). The serve_static_assets alias will be removed in Rails 5.0. Please migrate your configuration files accordingly. (called from at /Users/santiagocarreno/Desktop/vownu/config/application.rb:22)

I've already change the config.serve_static_assets line to config.serve_static_files but it doesnt work, how can I fix this, this error is not allowing me to update my app on heroku

Restart Rails application and spring preloader if you are using it.Maxim

1 Answers


You just need to run this in the console:

bundle update rails_serve_static_assets

and the warning disappears, it worked for me so I hope help you.