In the following code:
smart pointer data member pImpl(class Impl) and raw pointer pc(class CAT) all are incomplete data type, there is no definition of these two classes in Widget.h
#ifndef W_H_
#define W_H_
#include <memory>
class Widget {
~Widget() { //
delete pc; // I know I should put ~Widget to .cpp
// I just want to show the difference in behavior
// between raw pointer and smart pointer(both has incomplete type)
// when widget object destructs
struct Impl;
std::shared_ptr<Impl> pImpl; // use smart pointer
struct CAT;
CAT *pc; //raw pointer
#include "widget.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Widget::CAT
std::string name;
struct Widget::Impl {
std::string name;
: pImpl(std::make_shared<Impl>()),
pc(new CAT)
#include "widget.h"
int main()
Widget w;
For the raw pointer data member, its destuctor is not called when widget object is destructed.
While the shared_ptr
data member, its destructor has been correctly called.
To my understanding, in Widget::~Widget() it should generate some code automatically as the following:
~Widget() {
delete pc; // wrote by me
// generated by compiler
delete pImpl->get();
Why do shared_ptr data member and raw data member have different behavior when the widget gets destructed?
I test the code using g++4.8.2 in Linux
================================EDIT=============================== According to the answers, the reason is because of :
the code generated by compiler is NOT:
~Widget() {
delete pc; // wrote by me
// generated by compiler
delete pImpl->get();
it maybe something like:
~Widget() {
delete pc; // wrote by me
// generated by compiler
pimpl.deleter(); //deleter will be initailized while pimpl object is initialized