I have a Booking class that has a booking contact (a Person
) and a set of navigation properties (People
) that links through a join table to another set of navigation properties (Bookings
) in Person
. How do I generate the Booking
table with cascading deletes enabled for the booking contact relationship? When I leave it out of the fluent API code (default setting of cascade delete enabled) I get the following error message from migration:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.BookingPeople_dbo.People_PersonID' on table 'BookingPeople' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.
.HasMany<Booking>(s => s.aBookings)
.WithRequired(s => s.Contact)
.HasForeignKey(s => s.ContactId);
.HasMany(t => t.People)
.WithMany(t => t.Bookings)
.Map(m => {