The aim is to debug AS2 outside the Flash CS6 IDE. It's from within a game that uses quite a number of imported classes. My knowledge of AS2 is limited at best, thus it currently appears fruitless engendering simple tasks common in other languages such as writing to a text file or even just displaying the contents of a variable, which is required here. Any easy way around it?
The game is a non-HTML affair and uses some scaleform objects. Say for example a frame is created in a new text object pasted with the text tool. and this in Actions:
var displaytext = _root.attachMovie("coords", "coords" + root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
displaytext.innerText.text = "hi";
In the class:
class coords extends MovieClip {
public function coords() {
// constructor code
private var innerText:TextField;
function SetText(text)
innerText.text = text;
But nothing shows up in game.