I have a URL that I'm trying to extract information from. I want to navigate to a certain anchor tag that has a class value "_g3j", and click on it (it has a button role). I'm not sure how to access it and use the click method. That click would (ideally) link to another internal page, where I want to extract all links again.
Based on an earlier answer related to this, I've tried
target_parent_div = b.divs.find { |div| div.a(class: "_g3j").exists? }
As a sample, the value of the button I want to click looks like this:
a class="_g3j" ajaxify="/ajax/browser/dialog/fanned_pages/?id=244944385603396&showauxiliary=1" href="/browse/fanned_pages/?id=244944385603396&showauxiliary=1" rel="dialog" aria-labelledby="u_0_1z" role="button" wotsearchprocessed="true"></a>
I want to retrieve the href value given, click on it, and it opens another menu that has elements like so:
<a class="_8o _8t lfloat _ohe" href="https://www.facebook.com/bubblewitchsaga2?fref=pb" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" wotsearchprocessed="true"><img class="_s0 _rw img" src="https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-1/p40x40/10426523_405077716312722_7865103072715423222_n.png?oh=02338f513523fbf8e2d6a2f4bed13067&oe=558DEDE1&__gda__=1434976647_dafb1152b9d44f995c38b80afded1782" alt=""></a>
In this second situation, how can I get the href here?
I apologize for the detailed question, but I'm still awaiting entry to the google group and I can't seem to find any documentation related to this.