
I'm getting this exception when doing a nested model form:

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in RecipesController#update 
  Ingredient(#35624480) expected, got Ingredient(#34767560)

The models involved are Recipe and Ingredient. Recipe has_many and accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredients, which belongs_to :recipe.

I get this exception when attempting to _destroy (=1) one of the preexisting Ingredients on a nested Ingredient form for the Recipe Edit/Update.

This makes very little sense, mostly because the association types are as expected (by the exception's own admission).

What makes even less sense is that it works just fine in a functional test.

Also, it sometimes works if I re-post the form (via a browser refresh on Update). It also will work if I restart the (development) webserver.

Any ideas what might be causing this, or what I should be looking for?

Have you compared the log entries for the first (failing) and second (successful) updates?zetetic
Nope, but that's a good idea. Thanks.Craig Walker
The logs were identical up until the deletion; the failed log has the exception, the successful one has the delete SQL.Craig Walker

2 Answers


this usually means "rails failed to reload successfully once" in your environment/xxx files you can change it to not reload, or allow it to reload.


This can sometimes be fixed by adding correct require's, start where the class is used in your code