I am trying to optimize my spark job by avoiding shuffling as much as possible.
I am using cassandraTable to create the RDD.
The column family's column names are dynamic, thus it is defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE "Profile" (
key text,
column1 text,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
caching='ALL' AND
This definition results in CassandraRow RDD elements in the following format:
CassandraRow <key, column1, value>
- key - the RowKey
- column1 - the value of column1 is the name of the dynamic column
- value - the value of the dynamic column
So if I have RK='profile1', with columns name='George' and age='34', the resulting RDD will be:
CassandraRow<key=profile1, column1=name, value=George>
CassandraRow<key=profile1, column1=age, value=34>
Then I need to group elements that share the same key together to get a PairRdd:
PairRdd<String, Iterable<CassandraRow>>
Important to say, that all the elements I need to group are in the same Cassandra node (share the same row key), so I expect the connector to keep the locality of the data.
The problem is that using groupBy or groupByKey causes shuffling. I rather group them locally, because all the data is on the same node:
JavaPairRDD<String, Iterable<CassandraRow>> rdd = javaFunctions(context)
.cassandraTable(ks, "Profile")
.groupBy(new Function<ColumnFamilyModel, String>() {
public String call(ColumnFamilyModel arg0) throws Exception {
return arg0.getKey();
My questions are:
- Does using keyBy on the RDD will cause shuffling, or will it keep the data locally?
- Is there a way to group the elements by key without shuffling? I read about mapPartitions, but didn't quite understand the usage of it.