I have a kendo knockout grid inside a kendo window, the grid is pretty basic, has a checkbox column, and 3 other text columns. The check box column is binded with an observable property in the records Model of the grid, like
$model.isChecked = ko.observable(false);
The datasource of the grid is an observable array of a given javascript model.The grid has pagination with a page size of 10 records, and is scrollable.
The problem I'm having is that for some weird reason, when I click on a checkbox that is at the bottom of the grid, the grid scrolls up to the top, hiding the record I just checked.
I have other grids with the same logic behind and this behavior doesn't happen, I've tried different things and it seems every time I change an observable property of record model, the grid does the same. I also tried subscribing to the scroll event of the grid but I wasn't able to find a difference from me triggering the scroll or the grid doing it by itself.
I also tried what is suggested in this: other question but the behavior I got is not good because you see like a flicker, the grid scrolls to the top and then scrolls to the selected row.
So, have any of you faced a similar problem?