I am trying to link my parser.java and yylex.java using help from
But I am getting these errors.
error: Yylex is not abstract and does not override abstract method next_token() in Scanner
error: next_token() in Yylex cannot implement next_token() in Scanner
How to resolve them ?
My mini.flex file is:
import java.io.*;
%type int
identifier = {letter} ( {letter} | {decimal_digit} )*
letter = [a-z] | "_"
decimal_digit = [0-9]
LineTerminator = \r|\n|\r\n
WhiteSpace = {LineTerminator} | [ \t\f]
Comment = {GeneralComment} | {LineComment}
GeneralComment = "/*"([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+"/"
LineComment = "//" {LineTerminator}?
"break" { return sym.breakd; }
"default" { return sym.defaultd; }
{identifier} { return sym.identifier; }
"+" {return sym.plus_op;}
"&" {return sym.amp_op;}
{Comment} { /* ignore */ }
\n { }
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
[^] { /*Illegeal Character*/ }
My mini.cup file is:
// import java-cup-11b-runtime.*;
import java_cup.runtime.*;
parser code {: public Parser (java.io.Reader input) { super(new Yylex(input)); } :};
/* Preliminaries to set up and use the scanner. */
/*init with {: scanner.init(); :};
scan with {: return scanner.next_token(); :};*/
terminal identifier;
terminal breakd, defaultd, plus_op, amp_op;
non terminal SourceFile, UnaryExpr, Expression, Statement, SimpleStmt, EmptyStmt, ExpressionStmt, unary_op;
precedence left plus_op;
Expression ::= UnaryExpr | Expression plus_op UnaryExpr;
UnaryExpr ::= unary_op identifier;
unary_op ::= plus_op | amp_op;
Statement ::= SimpleStmt;
SimpleStmt ::= EmptyStmt | ExpressionStmt;
EmptyStmt ::= ; // should be Empty
ExpressionStmt ::= Expression;
SourceFile ::= Statement;
I compile using:
java -jar java-cup-11b.jar -interface -parser Parser mini.cup
jflex mini.flex
javac -cp java-cup-11b-runtime.jar:. -Xlint *.java
The errors thrown are:
Parser.java:19: warning: [deprecation] lr_parser() in lr_parser has been deprecated public Parser() {super();}
^ Parser.java:22: warning: [deprecation] lr_parser(Scanner) in lr_parser has been deprecated public Parser(java_cup.runtime.Scanner s) {super(s);}
^ Parser.java:96: warning: [deprecation] lr_parser(Scanner) in lr_parser has been deprecated public Parser (java.io.Reader input) { super(new Yylex(input)); }
^ Parser.java:137: warning: [cast] redundant cast to Object Object start_val = (Object)((java_cup.runtime.Symbol) CUP$Parser$stack.elementAt(CUP$Parser$top-1)).value;
^ Yylex.java:12: error: Yylex is not abstract and does not override abstract method next_token() in Scanner
public class Yylex implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner { ^
Yylex.java:474: error: next_token() in Yylex cannot implement next_token() in Scanner
public int next_token() throws java.io.IOException {
^ return type int is not compatible with Symbol
Yylex.java:631: error: incompatible types
{ return new java_cup.runtime.Symbol(sym.EOF); }
^ required: int
found: Symbol
3 errors
4 warnings