
How to create a small eps file from a Matlab figure? I use LaTeX and the eps that I'm getting with Matlab (R2010a) is of the order 6 MB. How to set the plot options to give an eps figure of smaller size?

Does the render options painters or zbuffer help?

Thanks a lot...

One additional info: I use Laprint to generate my eps figures. So, I end up with 2 files: 1 tex file with information about the labels etc and one eps file which is just for the drawing itself. I use Laprint as I can write mathematical expressions in my labels and with a simple command in LaTeX, I can change the size of the fonts easily. Also I can have the default LaTeX fonts in the labels.

see this related post: stackoverflow.com/questions/2427573/…Amro

2 Answers


Don't use eps. Use pdf format instead, and compile your LaTeX file with pdflatex.


Does the render options painters or zbuffer help?

Does that mean that you're using OpenGL? If so, then what you're getting is a Postscript file which contains an image. Postscript is a good choice for vector images, but OpenGL can't generate vector images. If you really need the OpenGL renderer for something, then you might as well use a bitmap image format. If you really want to take advantage of EPS (or any other Postscript flavor), then you'll want to use Painters.