I would like to prepare GNU toolchain for bare metal ARM to use it with Geany IDE. There are some tutorials like this one: Building the GNU ARM Toolchain for Bare Metal but I do not understand few steps.
First of all, everyone who uses Linux OS implicitly has gcc, binutils and gdb so why to download others? Secondly all tutorials tell me to configure gcc with something like that: *./configure --target=arm-elf. What does it even do ? Does it just force me to call gcc in command line using arm-elf-gcc instead of gcc or does it change some internal options of my gcc ?
So far I have prepared makefile but I am still not sure about compiler options. I have not changed any gcc configure options and I call compiler with such flags:
CFLAGS = -Wall -std=c99 -march=armv7-m -mtune=cortex-m0
Can I prepare toolchain just with calling gcc with proper arguments or do I need to make some changes in gcc configuration ?