I have a LongListSelector in an .xaml and I am able to fill it by binding to a an ItemSource when the source is filled by a DataContext using a single table from my SQL Server CE database like this:
Dim row = (From rows In db.Hub
Order By rows.HubID Descending
Select rows).ToList()
Me.MainLongListSelector.ItemsSource = row
I am thus able to get the ID of the selected item as follows:
HubID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, Hub).HubID
I am also able to bind to a 'query' DataSource as follows:
Dim row = (From ac In db.Activity
Join at In db.ActivityType On ac.ActivityTypeID Equals at.ActivityTypeID
Select New With {.ID = ac.ActivityID,
.Title = ac.Activity1}).ToList()
Me.MainLongListSelector.ItemsSource = row
however, since this is not referring to a specific table in the DataContext, I cannot get the ID using the above code, ie:
Dim ActID = CType(MainLongListSelector.SelectedItem, Activity).ActivityID '- returns nothing
How should I get the value(s) of selectedItem in this case?
NB: I have created the anonymous fields (.ID and .Title) because those are the names I have bound in the xaml, so the LongListSelected gets populated without writing extra code.