So here is some code I wrote up:
local fileFunc = {createFolder, openObj, deleteObj, createTxt, theMenu}
setmetatable(fileFunc, mt)
function fileSys()
local fileAction, code
print("The File System")
print("You are currently at "..current_window)
while true do
print("1 Create a new Folder\n2 Open an object\n3 Delete an Object\n4 Create a new text file\n5 Other options")
fileAction = userInInt()
code = fileFunc[fileAction]()
if code > 3 then invRet("fileSys()", code) end
if code == 1 then return 0
else return code end
I thought that by using the __index
metamethod, there would be no errors, but it still throws an attempt to call field ?
error. I'm guessing that it still throws the error, so is there a way I can catch it using pcall()
looks like this:
local mt = { __index = invalid }
And invalid:
function invalid()
print("Invalid operand, please try again.")
This error is only thrown when the user enters an operand that is not listed in the table (input > #fileFunc