
Using Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactManager and ContactStore I can read all or search for contacts (People) with FindContactAsync(...). On some records I have only Nickname field set under Name (in People/phonebook) group. They are returned when I search for their Nickname but all Name related fields from Contact instance are string empty. I couldn't find any nickname field on that type either.

Is there any way to get the contact Nickname on Windows Phone 8.1 (NOT Silverlight)?


1 Answers


I was working on a Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime app recently and also came upon this same issue.

It seems that the Nickname property of the Contact class has been documented by Microsoft, but not yet implemented into Visual Studio for other developers to use.

You can see all the properties for the Contact class here: Contact class - Windows app development

And the details for Nickname property here: Contact.Nickname | nickname property - Windows app development

Check the property page. A message says it's not released and the requirements are Windows 10.

It does seem strange that users can enter a Nickname in the People app, but we as other developers can't use it in our own apps. I guess that's just the way it is for now with Windows Phone 8.1 custom apps.